Event box
SIP & Share: Student Disruptions In-Person
All faculty are invited to attend the Teaching and Learning Committee's new faculty professional development series: SIP and Share. S.I.P stands for Strong Instructional Practice. The purpose of this professional development series is to provide an engaging environment for faculty to learn about and discuss current best practices in pedagogy and instruction. Additionally, we can share the work we are doing.
Our next SIP and Share will be Tuesday 2/27/24 1p-2p on Student Disruptions in face-to-face classrooms. Snacks and drinks will be provided. If there is a topic you would like to see presented at a SIP and Share, please email teachingandlearningcommittee@umpqua.edu.
Related LibGuide: TLC by Liz Teoli-Thomason
- Date:
- Tuesday, February 27, 2024
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 3:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Innovation Room
- Location:
- Innovation Room
- Audience:
- UCC Faculty/Staff
- Categories:
- Event > SIP & Share